30 August 2015


This morning found me cleaning out the 'junk' drawer. We all have one, either in the kitchen, an old desk drawer, or someplace where know one outside of ourselves can find it. It is the place where the odds and ends of our every day lives end up. Screwdrivers so you don't have to run down cellar for one (although they are rarely the size you need), measuring tapes, screws, razor blades, extra dog poop bags, key rings, keys not on rings, broken bits and pieces and unknown bits and pieces. Every drawer is full, things crowded and pushed in because the last thing we want to do is clean out the junk drawer.
If we are lucky it becomes the depository of things rarely used but always needed. You know it's in that drawer and you are willing to hunt through the 'stuff' to find that item. With me it is things like caps.
The water trough which is home to goldfish and water plants and supplies me with the lovely sound of water gently splashing during the summer months must be drained every fall. The fish and plants go down to the greenhouse and the trough is moved out of the way so in the winter I can push snow into what was it's summer residence. It has a cap which is removed to drain the water every year in the fall and in the early spring once the snow banks have melted the trough is moved back into place the cap goes back on and it is once again filled. I probably could leave the cap on it but I prefer to place it in the junk drawer. It is like an omen every time I open that drawer and search for a screwdriver or some other item. It is always there, sitting inbetween the electrical tape and the box containing batteries. It is a small reminder that spring will be coming. It never has gotten lost or gone missing, it can always been found in the drawer during it's 'off' season and this is the way it has been for 10 years and no doubt the way it will be until I leave this house.