The sky is blue. What a simple sentence but what an understatement. It's bright blue, sunshine blue, clear as a crystal blue, outstanding blue. The sky is blue.
There are times on my walks when I stop in the middle of the road, close my eyes and listen. Okay, first don't do this where there is more than 1 car an hour or on a paved road. Cars, trucks or other vehicles will not only ruin the mood but really hurt if they hit you. Anyway, I stop, close my eyes and listen. Sound can play many tricks on you. Our road is between 2 hills. Not at the base of the hills as that is where the creek, wetlands and pond are but up a few hundred feet. Sound bounces and carries up, down and around this little valley. There are days when I can't tell if the car I am hearing is on Rte. 35 or coming down our road. Or during the summer which house the voices I hear are drifting in from. But during the winter you can listen to the wind, the trees as branches rub across each other, to nothing. To noises that aren't noises. They are sounds in and from the woods. Maybe a bird hopping from branch to branch or a squirrel running along the ground. Even the quiet steps of a deer.
Warm months bring more noise, more life to the woods. Now is a quiet time, a time of reflection. And days like today are the ones that start with 'the sky is blue'.
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