18 January 2011

It ain't snow.

I don't know what is coming out of our dark VT skies on this dirt road but I do know one thing, it ain't snow.
We are among the fortunate to own a one ton pick up with a plow named Bubba. That's right this bad boy has a name. It is just about a necessity when you live out in the middle of nowhere. For years we had to wait to be plowed out, sometimes hours, sometimes a couple of days. And one time when feeling a bit full of piss and vinegar and it was an unusually pleasant day I even shoveled us out. Mind you that is the act of cabin fever because our driveway is about 350 ft. long. This is not including the parking area on top.
It is great owning a plow truck. I can't say that it financially is a wise decision. But it is paid for so the costs are sometimes minimal. Insurance, registration, repairs that kind of thing. It is also nice to have because hubby works for a college maintenance department and can use the truck on occasion to pick up lumber on his way to work. And we have it for those times when we need lumber, dirt or mulch.
Now plowing when you only have to do one driveway can be very zen. Sweeping the snow up with the plow and depositing it into banks. Taking your time to clear the parking area. Pushing the banks as far back as you can, slowly. But there is a dark side to plowing. Going off the driveway is the big one. Every year we say we should widen our driveway in this one spot. It is the spot where if you get just a little too close you go right into the ditch there. One year Bubba spent several days in the ditch. We were both disgusted and decided we would walk up the driveway. Finally we had to dig it out. 6 hours of what we like to call 'quality bonding time' finally saw the release of the truck from the ditches cruel grasp. My hubby continued the plowing endeavor while I move my vehicle onto the road. I sat there in the dark, watching the headlights and taillights of the truck while my hubby went up and down the driveway. Then it occurred to me that the he was either done or he had gone into the ditch on the opposite side of the driveway. Well another 6 hours of  'quality bonding time' saw the Bubba back on the driveway. This time there was no more plowing. We didn't care anymore if the driveway was plowed, we just wanted the truck back up in its parking spot. We didn't even care if our cars could make it up the driveway. Just the truck. No more digging and using the come-along and more digging. Just the peace and quiet of our house. With Bubba outside, standing guard.

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