21 July 2011

Walking with the dog

Max is the last of our dogs. Sort of the middle child in age (now 14) he was never the gentle, laid back type of dog like Gracie or the spoiled child of my hubby dog like Harry. He went along with the pack because that is what he did.
I think he misses his 4 legged siblings. Now he follows me or the hubby around almost constantly, keeping us with eyesight. And he wants to take walks again. 
I try to get out and walk 6 days a week, 2-3 miles at a time. Max stopped taking walks years ago as sore joints, a portly physic and his own set of allergies sidelined him. In his youth he climbed up and down the ditches and banks of this dirt road. Avidly smelling and searching for the creatures that produced the smell (and sometimes finding them). Although a fox terrier he wasn't really very good at hunting but he loved to move. Running and walking in that high prancing step of a terrier 20 feet for every 2 I went. He was amazing to watch. But after awhile going out to do 'his duty', coming down for dinner and the occasional walk to the bottom of the driveway were enough. He preferred to lay on my bed in front of the window and guard the world from the safety and security of the house, much like Harry.
Today I looked behind me and there was my shadow Max. I decided I would be willing to slow down if the ol' boy thought he could make the 2 miles. It might take me longer but that was okay. So Max and I continued on. He made the 2 miles! It was a little slow, not the wild walks of youth but Maxie stopped and sniffed and left behind some remembrances for other animals out there. It was all good.
When we got home he had his treat, drank up some water and laid on the cool tile floor. He's a little stiff but I'll slip him a baby aspirin later to help with the sore joints. I wonder if he know how much he is helping me. Maybe I am helping him. But I know we both miss the rest of the pack. 
I can't imagine what life would be without an animal. Without that special bond. I hope Maxie hangs around till I can make that decision whether or not to add to our pack. Meanwhile, I will walk slower if he wants to come along.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a mystery, isn't it? Please keep us updated! I enjoy reading your posts. :)
