25 April 2011

As time goes by...

As I walked down my dirt road today I realized how much things change yet seem to stay the same. Time goes by and our minds gradually accept the change as if it was always there. 
Spring doesn't suddenly come upon us out of nowhere. It is slow and subtle. The snow starts to melt, the trees buds start to swell. Birds arrive from their winter homes and new life appears. And at some point we forget winter and become engrossed in spring. Checking the gardens for those first signs that the ground is thawing. That our parsnips made it through or the rhubarb is once again breaking through the soil. I walk around and through my gardens over and over in anticipation of the world waking up again. I can hardly wait for the snow to recede so I can go into places my feet have not wandered since the snow and cold came. I go down to what we call our 'birdie pond', a small water feature in the lower section of our yard to see if the Lenten rose has come up and if the miniature bleeding hearts have started to show. Every year it is the same and every year it is new and wondrous. I am always astounded that once again out of seemingly nothingness comes such beauty. 
Today as I walked down my road it was if I was walking through my gardens. I know the shoots of the wild oats coming up and the coltsfoot blooming at the roads edge. I see the patches of small green leaves that will become violets or the fuzzy stalks of the cinnamon fern slowly coming up through the leaf litter at the edges of the woods. 
It is all new, yet comfortably the same. Then I remember in a way it is all new and different. I have lived on this road for 30 plus years. It has all changed in ways that I have come to accept so I no longer see the difference. It is just the dirt road I live on and love. 

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